Why Are Cats Scared Of Dogs?

There is a reason why cats are scared of dogs, and fear is the main factor.

Here is the quick answer,

Why Are Cats Scared Of Dogs? Dogs are bigger and have loud noise barking. Besides, they are dangerous predators and fast in chasing and hunting down their prey. All these fears are the reasons why cats are scared of dogs.

Generally, cats fear dogs at the start by seeing all the sharp canines, but eventually, they feel comfortable around them when they feel they have no harm from them.

Why Are Cats Scared Of Dog

The fear of dogs also depends upon the individual cat because there might be some cat who has the confidence to stand in front of the dog without getting scared.

But for those cats that fear the dog, it is possible they would have suffered from previous accidents with dogs, generating fear among them. This also could be one of the reasons that cats avoid dogs.

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Why Are Cats Scared Of Dogs But Not Humans?

There are very few cats that do not have a fear of humans. Otherwise, most of the cats are not comfortable around them. But once, after some time and knowing humans, the cat might start liking the people.

Then, some cats see humans as bigger cats and are assured that they do not have any threat from them. Thus they get along with them very well.

But on the other hand, the dogs are bigger, and probably because they smell dangerous predators, the cats try to remain at a distance. This is because they think of them as a threat to their life, which is why cats get scared of dogs rather than humans.

Humans love cats and dogs, and usually, they prefer these two animals to go for their pets in the house. And if you have both dog and a cat as pets in your home, you will find that it takes some time to build a bonding between them.

Then after that, they play and care for each other like best friends. Thus the cat’s and dog’s relationship takes some time to build, and it depends upon the nature of both animals.

Are Cats Scared Of Dogs Barking?

Yes, cats do get scared because of the barking of dogs. It is not a secret that cats and dogs are very different creatures and need their specific environment. They also have different comfort levels if you compare dogs and cats.

Are Cats Scared Of Dogs Barking

If you try to bring the dog and cat to the same place, you will see that the dog often tries to scare the cat by barking or by lunging forward in its direction.

So it is not wrong to say that wild or street dogs can hurt cats, which can be dangerous for the cat and its survival.

But it is not the same case with all dogs. The dogs in your house as a pet are taught well, are trained to show good behaviors and are well-mannered and more disciplined than stray dogs.

 Also, the sensory organs of cats are more sensitive than those of dogs.

This is also one of the reasons why dog barking causes fear in them. Another reason for the scare could be past trauma or bad accidents.

Thus the previous incidents where they get hurt by the dog remain in their subconscious mind. Later in the future, they tend to have less confidence whenever they encounter a dog.

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How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Being Scared Of My Dog?

It’s in the dog’s nature to dominate the cats, and they continue to oppress them until they get scared or hurt. So if you are willing to have a cat and dog as a pet in your house, there are some tips and advice on which you can work to stop your cat from being afraid of the dog.

  1. Make the cats assured of their safety. The main thing to build a healthy relationship around the dog is to make the cat feel safe. According to the cat, having a safe and secure environment is essential. To ensure safety, you can create a separate space in the house where they should remain by themselves.
  1. Should have escape routes for cats – it takes time to start cats enjoying the company of the dog, but till then, you should be preparing for any situation. To prevent the cat from getting hurt or injured from the chasing of dogs, you should have proper exits and routes which cats can opt to save themselves from the dogs.
  1. Today you will find the gates having separate exits that can be used by cats only, and also, you can use particular objects in the house to block the dog’s way.

Allows the free movement of cats – you cannot put the cats on a leash because the cats are very nocturnal and like to move freely from one place to another.

However, they are very active at night, so you should allow them to roam at every place inside the house according to their choice instead of locking them up in a room.

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History Of Cats And Dogs Relationship

Cats and dogs have a storied history, but few know exactly how they became such opposites. When cats were first domesticated, they were only kept by the wealthy, who could afford them as exotic pets.

But as cat populations exploded in Europe and Asia, so did the number of pets, which led to changes in how we related to animals.

Dogs accompanied humans into almost every sphere of life: hunting, herding livestock and guarding settlements and homes against intruders. Cats prefer to keep themselves apart from humans for a good reason.

Cats get scared of barking because they can hear them much better than dogs, so their behavior will change if you keep them in a place with a loud noise. They react suddenly and furiously whenever they get afraid of anything.

Evolution of cats and dogs

Some people believe cats and dogs hate each other, but this is not true. There are cases when a pet dog has a cat as a best friend and likes to play with the cat. They even enjoy the company of cats, but it takes time and effort to establish this relationship between them.

  • Scientists have traced the evolution of cats and dogs to 10 million years ago and found that both species evolved in Asia.
  • Dogs and wolves would diverge for a while and then become extinct in Europe and Asia but crossbreed in North America, where they remain separate species.
  • The reasons why we keep dogs and cats separate are deep-rooted: we value our pets’ companionship but also fear their rival prowess.

Cats have always had more mystery than dogs; they are hunters, oddly fierce, and their feline faces give no clue what they might be thinking.

But it turns out that cats are curious about their surroundings; they have a way of making their territory with mischievous behavior.

Some of the most common cat behaviors are attempts at mimicking animal sounds outside. Cats can learn by imitation, which is why it’s so revealing when one cat mimics the sounds of another animal. And people find this behavior of cats cute and amazing enough to keep them as pets.

How To Have A Control On The Dog’s Chasing?

How To Have A Control On The Dog’s Chasing

In the beginning, there could be scenarios where you find your dog chasing the cat. This hassling can affect your living, and it becomes uncomfortable to live in the house.

So to avoid this kind of situation, you can try to have more control over your dog to prevent it from chasing the cats.

You should train your dog better so that it follows your every command. You can punish them if he fails to follow the command by taking time to give them food etc.

You should appreciate or give him rewards if he follows every instruction well. Training the dog and teaching good behavior and discipline will give you the advantage of building your relationship with another cat.

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Then you will also be able to stop the dogs chasing and running in the house to live peacefully in your home.

That is why it is advised to put dogs on leashes for some time. After the dog has developed a mutual playful relationship with the cat and you feel like it is no anymore harmful to keep them close, you can unleash your dog from time to time.

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