How Long Will A dog Hide If Scared? [3 Things To Do]

As a dog owner, it’s essential to understand your pet’s behavior when they’re scared or anxious. Fear is a natural emotion for dogs, but it can also be a sign of a deeper issue. In this article, I’ll discuss why dogs hide when they’re scared, how long they typically hide, and how you can help your furry friend feel more comfortable.

Here is the quick answer,  

How Long Will A dog Hide If Scared? The exact time of hiding depends on your dog’s breed dog personality, like whether he is confident, curious, or what scared him. But if your dog is under 12 weeks old, the dog may only hide for up to 5-8 hours max.

How Long Will A dog Hide If Scared

Table of Contents

Introduction to dog behavior when scared

Dogs are social animals that rely on their pack for safety and security. When a dog becomes scared or anxious, it may retreat to a safe space, such as under a bed or in a closet, to feel more secure. 

This is a natural instinct that has been passed down from their ancestors, who would hide in dens to protect themselves from predators.

However, not all dogs will hide when they’re scared. Some may become aggressive or bark excessively, while others may simply freeze in place. 

It’s essential to be familiar with your dog’s behavior when scared so you can provide the appropriate support.

Reasons why dogs hide when scared

There are a number of reasons why a dog may hide when they’re scared. One of the most common is fear of loud noises, such as thunderstorms or fireworks. Dogs have sensitive hearing and can become overwhelmed by these sounds, causing them to retreat to a quiet, dark place.

Another reason why dogs may hide when scared is separation anxiety

Dogs that are overly attached to their owners may become anxious when left alone, causing them to hide until their owner returns. This can also be a sign of a deeper issue that requires professional help.

How long will a dog hide if scared?

The length of time a dog will hide when scared varies depending on the dog and the situation. Some dogs only hide for a few minutes, while others hide for hours or even days.

It is essential to monitor your dog’s behavior and ensure they have access to food, water, and a safe space.

If your dog is hiding for an extended period, it may be a sign of a more serious issue, such as depression or anxiety. In these cases, seeking professional help to ensure your dog receives the appropriate treatment is essential.

Signs that your dog is scared

Signs that your dog is scared

There are several signs that your dog may be scared or anxious. These include:

1. Hiding or seeking out a safe space

2. Shaking or trembling

3. Whimpering or crying

4. Excessive panting or drooling

5. Pacing or restlessness

6. Aggression or biting

If you notice any of these signs in your dog, it’s essential to provide them with support and reassurance.

What to do if your dog is scared and hiding

If your dog is hiding and scared, it’s essential to approach them calmly and gently. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, which can further agitate your dog. 

Instead, please speak to your dog in a soothing voice and offer them treats or toys to help them feel more comfortable.

It’s also essential to provide your dog with a safe space where they can retreat when they’re feeling scared. This can be a crate or quiet room free of loud noises or distractions.

Tips to help your dog overcome their fear

There are a number of tips and tricks that you can use to help your dog overcome their fear:

  • Desensitization: 

Gradually expose your dog to the source of their fear in a controlled environment, such as playing recordings of thunderstorms or fireworks at a low volume.

  • Positive reinforcement: 

Reward your dog with treats or praise when they exhibit calm behavior in the face of their fear.

  • Medication: 

In severe cases, your vet may prescribe anti-anxiety medication to help your dog cope with their fear.

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How to prevent your dog from being scared in the future

How to prevent your dog from being scared in the future

Preventing fear in dogs requires a proactive approach. Some tips to prevent fear in dogs include:

1. Socialization: 

Expose your dog to a variety of people, animals, and environments from a young age.

2. Training: 

Teach your dog basic obedience commands and reward them for good behavior.

3. Positive reinforcement: 

Use treats and praise to encourage calm and confident behavior in your dog.

When to seek professional help

If your dog’s fear or anxiety is causing them to hide for an extended period or exhibit aggressive behavior, it’s essential to seek professional help. 

Your vet or a professional dog trainer can provide the appropriate support and guidance to help your dog overcome their fear.

Conclusion: Understanding your dog’s behavior when scared

Fear and anxiety are natural emotions for dogs, but they can also be a sign of a deeper issue. 

By understanding your dog’s behavior when scared, you can provide them with the appropriate support and help them feel more comfortable in their environment.

Remember to approach your dog calmly and gently when they’re scared, and provide them with a safe space where they can retreat when they’re feeling overwhelmed. 

Your dog can overcome their fear and lead a happy, healthy life with proper support and guidance.


How do I know if my dog is scared?

Some signs that your dog may be scared include hiding or seeking out a safe space, shaking or trembling, whimpering or crying, excessive panting or drooling, pacing or restlessness, and aggression or biting.

How long will my dog hide if they’re scared?

The length of time a dog will hide when scared varies depending on the dog and the situation. Some dogs only hide for a few minutes, while others hide for hours or even days.

What should I do if my dog is scared and hiding?

Approach your dog calmly and gently, speak to them in a soothing voice, and offer them treats or toys to help them feel more comfortable. Please provide them with a safe space where they can retreat when they’re feeling scared.

When should I seek professional help for my dog’s fear or anxiety?

If your dog’s fear or anxiety is causing them to hide for an extended period of time or exhibit aggressive behavior, it’s essential to seek professional help. Your vet or a professional dog trainer can provide the appropriate support and guidance to help your dog overcome their fear.

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