Are Female German Shepherds Aggressive?

Generally, the female German Shepherd is a friendlier and sweeter companion you can have around your family. Male GSDs are more territorial and leave their mark of territory by urination which may annoy the pet owner.

Are Female German Shepherds Aggressive? Female German Shepherds are aggressive, but when you compare them with the male German Shepherd, they are less.

Are Female German Shepherds Aggressive?

Female German Shepherd dog is more gentle towards their family than males. They even have a higher level of tolerance for strangers and even other people. 

However, male and female German Shepherd dogs are known to bark at people and other dogs as it is a way to warn their owners about strangers.

In a different research, it has been proved that male GSDs are more aggressive than female German Shepherds. 

It means the family should choose the female over the male. Males are the better performer and will guard your house, but you should have one only if there are no children in the house.

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Are female German Shepherds good pets?

Yes, female German Shepherds are good pets. Female pet dogs make fantastic active family pets and are known as the companions and guardians of your house.

Are female German Shepherds good pets

Female German Shepherd dogsare good pets as they are less aggressive and are also good with children. So, if you have children in your house, you must have a female dog. 

They are also so bright and relatively easy to train. But females need a lot of guidance, socialization, and exercise.

However, when you compare both males and females, male German Shepherds are considered to be better guard dogs than females. 

This is because they are more dominant, protective, and territorial and can take care of your house. Males even have more aggression as they are bigger and stronger than females.

When it comes to training, they are pretty easy to train, so when you have either a male or female German shepherd dog, you can efficiently train them. But always remember that if you have kids in the house, a female German Shepherd is better for them. 

Are female German Shepherds good guard dogs?

Are female German Shepherds good guard dogs?

Yes. Female German Shepherd dogs will be known to bark, and they will alert their families of dogs and people in the yard or along the street. That is why they are considered excellent watchdogs.

  • Males become more dominant and aggressive, increasing their protectiveness for their families. But they are best suited for protection if there are no children. 
  • But when you have a female German Shepherd will bark and alert you about intruders or strangers on your property.
  • After research only, it has been said that the German Shepherd is the second breed, the most likely dog who barks as the watchdog. 

Both sexes will have intimidating bark and are athletic. They are large dogs and also have protective features that can scare outsiders.

Are female dogs more loyal?

Yes, female dogs are more loyal than their male counterparts.Compared with the male dog, female German Shepherd dogs are gentler and friendlier towards their family. They even tend to have a high tolerance for strangers. 

They are more protective when they have a litter of puppies around. Both male and female German Shepherd dog is confident, loyal, and athletic. 

They are intelligent and protective, but they need to be adequately trained because if they are not, they may not be able to greet strangers and will not behave better. It may even increase aggression too.

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Are female German shepherds good family dogs?

Are female German shepherds good family dogs

Of course, a German Shepherd is a dog that has the reputation of being a tough dog. However, German Shepherds (especially females) are usually excellent and sweet-natured with children.

If you live in a family with kids, a female German Shepherd dogis the best you can have. However, the male might be less forgiving and have rough play unless they are raised with the children or are well trained.

How to Calm an Aggressive Female German Shepherd?

If your female dog is getting aggressive, there can be several reasons. But you may not want that to happen. 

How to Calm an Aggressive Female German Shepherd?

That is why here you will find some best ways to calm your female German Shepherd dog, and those are mentioned below.

01. Eliminate the stress –

The person needs to adjust the environment and eliminate the stress because that will cause unwanted aggression in your dog. The person needs to use the stress list and figure out how to control it.

02. Determine your dog’s triggers –

The person should determine the dog’s trigger which causes aggression. It would be best if you tried to determine that and then worked on them through the training. The person needs to keep track of the things when the dog reacts hostile.  

03. Avoid triggers while working on training –

From the start, you should avoid those triggers that may upset your dog. While giving the training, if your dog gets upset, things may become hard. 

If something on the route triggers your dog, you should take a new one or not meet strangers. 

04. Create the modification in the training program –

The pet owner should contact a professional behaviorist or just make some modifications while giving the training lessons to their dog. 

It will lessen the aggressive tendencies of the dog. It is always the best option to take help from a professional, but if you cannot afford one, there are many other ways too.

05. Use safety precautions to prevent injury –

You can even try safety measures such as head collars or muzzles to get the dog in control when you are out in public with them. It will prevent the biting accident and will keep them under better control. But these tools should be used only when the situation is worse.

Treating aggression and calming your dog is essential; otherwise, it will be frustrating and may hurt someone.

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